Für uns ist jedes Unternehmen anders. Jede Marke hat ihre eigenen Wurzeln und eine Geschichte, die man verstehen muss. Unsere Arbeit dreht sich ums Entdecken und um den Menschen, und das führt zu neuen Ideen.
Hallo, wir sind MING Labs. Wir arbeiten mit transformationalen Anführern weltweit und helfen ihnen dabei, sich in einer verändernden Geschäftswelt zurechtzufinden und relevante digitale Lösungen umzusetzen. Unsere Arbeit vereint Business Design, Experience Design und Technologie – alles Wichtige und Entscheidende, um Unternehmen beim Wachsen zu helfen und ihre Arbeitsweise zu verändern.
Wir arbeiten mit Unternehmen zusammen und helfen ihnen, ihre Prozesse und Arbeitsabläufe zu verändern, indem wir Best Practices aus dem Design in einen B2B-Kontext übertragen. Was ihr von MING bekommt, ist ein Team von, sagen wir, fünf Leuten, die tagein tagaus mit euch arbeiten und euch an einen neuen Ort bringen. Und das ist vielleicht genau da, wo ihr hinwolltet.
Ergebnisse: Customer Journeys, Service Blueprints, Experience-Prototypen, funktionale Prototypen, Visual Direction / Branding, Design-Systeme
Jede Schnittstelle muss funktional und nützlich sein und den Menschen dabei helfen, das zu tun, was sie tun möchten. Gleichzeitig wollen wir, dass die Dinge etwas hervorstechen und implizit vermitteln, dass sie nicht nur funktional sind: Es geht auch um die emotionalen Aspekte, die für uns ziemlich wichtig sind. Übrigens designen wir nicht nur gut aussehende Mockups und machen dann Feierabend. Wir arbeiten auch an der technischen Umsetzung und begleiten sie bis ganz zum Schluss.
Ergebnisse: Opportunity Maps, Business Cases, Finanzmodelle, Value Propositions
Beim Business Design geht es darum, euch zu helfen relevante Möglichkeiten zu finden, die zu wichtigen Veränderungen führen können (will heißen: viel Geld verdienen oder einsparen). Wir erwarten kein ausführliches Briefing und auch nicht, dass schon im Vorhinein alles für uns herausgefunden worden ist. Im Gegenteil. Wir freuen uns, wenn wir gemeinsam Dinge herausfinden können: Unsicherheit ist genau unser Ding und wir sind flexibel in unserer Herangehensweise. Wenn ihr schon eine Idee habt, in welche Richtung ihr gehen wollt, helfen wir sie mit potenziellen Kunden zu validieren und einen Business Case dafür zu entwickeln.
Ergebnisse: Maintainable Quelltext, voll getestete Bereitstellung, Anweisungen & Dokumente, Test-Skripte / Test-Fälle
Für uns ist das Design nur ein Teil der Arbeit: In der Entwicklungsphase fängt das Projekt wirklich erst an zusammenzukommen, und es gibt wenige Dinge, die wir spannender finden. Wir haben ein starkes In-House-Tech-Team (Architekten, DevOps, Backend- und Frontend-Entwickler, QA-Engineers, Projektmanager etc.), das die neuesten Tech-Trends kennt und einen stabilen und verlässlichen Prozess aufsetzen, durchführen und weiterentwickeln kann – mit aktuellen Tools und Methoden wie Scrum, Code-Review, fortlaufender Integration, fortlaufender Bereitstellung und automatisierten Tests.
Details unter:www.uniplan.com/en/
The design agency Uniplan wanted to relaunch their website with a new design, look and feel to communicate the new brand position in the right way. This included not only the design, but also the development and copywriting. Uniplan reached out to us due to a recommendation for website design and development. Our objective was to create a new platform that mirrored Uniplan’s nature of design, creativity and strategy.
Details unter:www.wmf-coffeeconnect.com/
WMF created their digital platform CoffeeConnect as an innovative solution to collect, analyze and process smart data on the WMF coffee machines. The machines can be connected and customers can receive information to optimize their sales and technical performance.
The digital platform mainly caters to the needs of the target personas of facility managers and food chain managers in charge of monitoring the coffee machines and providing data on consumer behavior. MING Labs got on board to develop the front end of the platform.
The initial problem that GROHE was facing was the fact that their customer support centre was overloaded with requests, which resulted in long waiting times for callers. Our objective was to find a way to reduce the load on customer support and subsequently improve its service.
Details unter:minglabs.com/our-work...
The air quality in most of China leaves much to be desired, so Mann+Hummel launched OurAir, an indoor air filtration system, and we did some apps for it.
Mann+Hummel is a big deal: For over 100 years, it’s been producing filtration systems for air and water, primarily used in cars, and the company firmly established itself as what might be called a World Market Leader in the Automotive Industry.
In the light of the quick development of electric mobility — electric cars, electric scooters, electric everything — which marks the beginning of the end of the diesel motor, M+H began to look for new applications of its filtering systems. Soon enough, they created...
OurAir, an air filter system for indoor use.
Simply put, it's a device that you place in the corner of your room to make the air cleaner. In countries and cities with unreasonably high levels of air pollution, this is something particularly relevant.
Details unter:minglabs.com/our-work...
In 2014, Jan and Fabian, the founders of a yet untitled company, noted a new trend: people conscious of their diet and eating habits were eating egg whites. A lot of them. The egg white is extremely rich in protein, and, according to some studies, contains protein of the highest quality.
The problem is, of course, that you couldn’t buy egg whites anywhere in Germany — so your only option was to buy eggs and throw out all the yolks. Jan and Fabian came up with the idea to sell just the egg whites, and they approached us to work together on the product launch — which included naming, packaging, branding, website, and so on; the whole thing.
There were a couple of difficulties at play here. First, the egg white — a translucent liquid — doesn’t look particularly appealing, visually speaking, so we had to come up with a way of showing the product in some other way. Second, the audience wasn’t really familiar with the product, with the idea of buying just the egg whites, so we had some explaining to do before we could convince them to buy this.
Details unter:minglabs.com/our-work/adb
ADB wanted to offer something their competition didn’t, and their bet was on becoming a more human, more approachable, less bureaucratic organization. The ADB’s president’s agenda was using new tech to run the business in a more efficient way, involving digital transformation and innovation to improve the processes overall. They acknowledged that the process of getting a loan is a very slow one, involving a lot of complicated paperwork, and that they needed to do better.
The starting point for this project was McKinsey’s 100-page "Asia Development Report”, which acts as a summary of development progress in Asia. ADB realized that it’s too academic, too long, that nobody really reads it and that they need to do better.
The audience that ADB needed to reach is a very special one: namely, government officials all across Asia. To reach them, ADB decided to move to storytelling: away from reports, to the actual stories behind the development, covering the projects’ impact on people’s lives, showing who the people behind various projects are. A related idea was to establish a community around sustainable development projects — solar farms, low-carb tech, and so on.
Details unter:minglabs.com/our-work...
Mapbox is a provider of custom online maps which can be embedded in websites and applications. Naturally, the primary audience of this kind of service is developers, as they are the ones who end up using it most extensively while building a website or an app in question — and developers need detailed, extensive, up-to-date documentation to be able to work with the external platform.
What this means for Mapbox, effectively, is that they need to create and maintain a huge collection of knowledge — documentation for various programming languages and for various platforms — and have both a way of displaying it in a convenient way for the reader, as well as a good way to edit and publish stuff (a content management system, roughly speaking).
A set of extra challenges on this project included:
- Technical legacy of many tools and frameworks used on the original American .com site
- Working with stakeholders across multiple business units and regions with conflicting priorities
- Identifying a structure and visual identity that matches the needs of the Chinese audience while still conforming to the existing global brand
We mapped out the project and got to work.
Details unter:minglabs.com/our-work...
XL Axiata wanted to understand their distribution network — to get data, to get insights, to understand precisely what’s going on with their SIM card sales, and how to adjust their offers to better suit the needs of the customer in the real-world.
Among other things, XL Axiata sells SIM cards throughout Indonesia, a wonderful country in Southeast Asia with a population of 264 million people living. What’s particularly interesting is the number of islands: between 16,056 and 17,508, depending on your sources. Apparently, counting islands is not as straightforward as one would think. You can quickly see that the combination of all geographical features — country size, terrain, etc. — instantly turns the logistics of delivering of your products into a logistical nightmare.
XL Axiata operates only about 300 of its own retail stores, and relies on the network of third-party wholesalers, distributors and retailers to sell their SIM cards. The more entities involved, the more convoluted the process becomes; or, to put it simply, it’s challenging! There is next to no visibility, you don’t know who you’re actually selling to, how these SIM cards end up being used and what the most popular plans are.
Details unter:minglabs.com/cases...
Lukas Pilat and Robert Kopka were designing a different kind of lamp: a lamp that would make it possible to set up the light in a room just so — color, shape, direction, intensity, etc. With a regular switch, you can’t quite paint with light. You need some kind of interactive medium. Indeed, the idea was that you’d control the lamp with a phone — and it is with this idea they approached us to experiment and find a suitable, unconventional, pleasantly surprising way of doing so.
Technology-wise, their idea was to use 200 LEDs in total, some at the top, some at the bottom, that would generate any light in any direction. According to our knowledge, nothing of the kind existed at the time. It was an ambitious, risky and technologically challenging endeavor: As with all innovations, it’s quite impossible to predict up front whether you’ll succeed or not. Same with design.
Details unter:minglabs.com/cases/denza/
seit 2019
THE NEEDS: To promote ADB’s expertise and initiatives in sustainable development projects
THE RESULT: A website that runs stories on ADB’s various initiatives and acts as a community hub dedicated to sustainability projects in Asia
WHAT WE DID: Discovery, research, UX/UI design, web development
seit 2016
20+ digital transformation projects in the chemical industry, from internal innovation topics
to new digital business models, as well as quick prototyping and validation engagements.
von 2015 bis 2018
ReachNow (DriveNow sister concept) prototyping for the US and China markets, including
China adaptations and launch website. ConnectedRide App UX design for BMW motorcycles.
von 2014 bis 2018
Exploration of new business models in China. Automotive aftermarket eCatalogue
implementation. Industrial IoT and Smart Manufacturing Prototyping and UX.
seit 2019
Market research, user research, prototyping and validation for launching a digital business
model into the Chinese market, which has previously successfully been built for Europe.
von 2016 bis 2017
Concept creation for Disney IP-branded Android themes, including Art Direction, Interaction
Concept, UX Design and User Testing.
seit 2018
Concept development and UX design for smaller-form print devices in different categories.
seit 2019
Support of the ING venture lab, through prototyping, user testing, UX design and
implementation for start-ups incubated in their corporate venture program.
von 2015 bis 2016
Concept development, prototyping, user testing and implementation of various travel-
related innovation concepts for Lufthansa.
seit 2016
THE NEEDS: To create the digital companion for a range of indoor air quality devices
THE RESULT: We developed a mobile app for visualizing the air quality and a web app for managing hundreds of these filters in one building
WHAT WE DID: Mobile app, desktop app, design, development
seit 2018
Research, UX Design and User Testing for multiple applications around Panasonic’s smart
home and IoT portfolio, for the Chinese market.
von 2015 bis 2018
THE NEEDS: Urban planners of Singapore wanted a better understanding of city dynamics. They'd already got a huge dataset — now they needed a good way of working with it
THE RESULT: We created a set of interactive dashboards that provide real-time access to data insights, making data usable and helping urban planners understand what really goes on
WHAT WE DID: Research, field research, UX/UI design, data visualization, web development
seit 2019
Customer value co-creation project, aimed at designing the ideal customer journey for Visa
products in the customer’s application.
seit 2018
THE NEEDS: Distribution network transparency — come up with a clever way to understand what happens with tens of thousands of SIM cards that are sold
THE RESULT: We built a mobile app for retailers and wholesalers that helped gather a lot of missing data
WHAT WE DID: Mobile app, design, development
seit 2019
Research, process design and consulting around employee onboarding.
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