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zigzag GmbH

11-20 Mitarbeiter
2012 gegründet
Digitale Transformation & Innovation
Mobile / Apps

Unsere Philosophie

We are zigzag, designing meaningful/innovative/digital experiences that delight/impact/transcend.

Über Uns

Die zigzag GmbH ist eine international tätige Designagentur mit dem Schwerpunkt User Experience und digitalem Produktdesign. Wir begleiten unsere Kunden im gesamten Entwicklungsprozess, von User Research, Konzeptarbeit, Interaktions- und Visual-Design bis hin zu Prototyp- und Software-Entwicklung. Wir arbeiten für Fortune 500-Unternehmen sowie Start-ups aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen, unter anderem im Bereich Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Mobility, Health oder Finance.

Unser Team aus Experten für die Bereiche Research und Konzeption, Design, Prototyping und Implementierung arbeitet eng vernetzt und strebt stets eine exzellente und maßgeschneiderte Lösung für den Kunden an. Unsere Stärken sind dieser durch und durch interdisziplinäre Ansatz sowie ein sehr hoher Qualitätsanspruch.

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Siemens Junelight Smart Battery Application

Details unter:zigzag.is...
Siemens, a well-known name in the heavy-duty energy management industry, now expands to the commercial market by introducing its new line of consumer battery storage systems. Siemens teamed up with zigzag to tap into today's data-savvy consumer market and develop a best-in-class digital energy management experience. Zigzag not only worked to envision the digital experience, but also helped Siemens with implementing multi-channel applications in an agile manner. After a robust period of development and testing, the Junelight system was launched in Jan 2019 and it is now available in the German market.

comdirect Trading App

Details unter:zigzag.is...
Founded in 1994 as a direct bank subsidiary of Commerzbank, comdirect has built its reputation as a pioneering bank by offering fully online services without any local branch. It led the era of internet banking & trading in the German market and positioned itself as a successful case study. In 2015, comdirect planned another major shift by extending and strengthening its focus to mobile trading. Zigzag had the exciting opportunity to define a new trading experience tailored for mobile and targeted toward traders in the general public - not only professionals. In close collaboration with comdirect’s UX team, zigzag envisioned a mobile experience with the ambition to create the best trading app in the German market.

comdirect Mobox Application

Details unter:zigzag.is...
Getting started with banking can be difficult. Learning to budget, managing different accounts, transferring money and developing good banking habits can be intimidating — especially to young adults that haven’t done it before. Comdirect had a mission to make this transition into financial independence easier and more accessible. They approached us to design a mobile banking experience that would attract young users new to banking.

vitaliberty FiTS Application

Details unter:zigzag.is...
Vitaliberty, one of the leading E-health B2B service providers in the German market, wanted to launch a new-generation consumer wellness service. Zigzag worked together with the Vitaliberty team to define the product from the ground up, design core parts of the service and develop the Android side of the app, FiTS. The core idea was to conceptualize and design highly adaptive fitness programs for 'real people' who may not be athletic nor highly motivated. How to combine motivation, body positivism and a sense of humor was the key challenge. Combining these aspects with machine-learning adaptiveness ultimately created dynamic, meaningful and motivating workout programs.




Digital Prototyping
Interface Design
UX/UI Design
Digitale Transformation & Innovation
Design Sprints
Design Thinking
Mobile / Apps
App Design
Augmented Reality Apps
Cross Platform
Konzeption (Mobile UI/UX)
Mobile Prototyping
Native Apps
Virtual Reality (VR) - Programmierung


Consulting / Beratung
Consumer Electronics



von 2015 bis 2020
Das Designteam der BMW Group und zigzag arbeiten eng und regelmäßig an Konzeption, Design Strategie, Visual Design und high-fidelity Prototypen für verschiedenste Initiativen zusammen.

Deutsche Bahn

von 2014 bis 2020
zigzag erarbeitet gemeinsam mit der Deutschen Bahn die Zukunft der Mobilität und wie ein herausragendes digitales Erlebnis über verschiedene Touchpoints hinweg aussehen muss.

comdirect bank AG

von 2015 bis 2019
Die comdirect bank ist Deutschland’s größter online broker und eine der führenden Direktbanken. Wir arbeiten mit der comdirect bank an der mobilen Zukunft des Banking und Trading.


von 2012 bis 2015
In einer über drei Jahre andauernden Partnerschaft hat zigzag mit Samsung USA digitales Produktdesign und Strategie für verschiedenste Plattformen wie TV, Mobile, Tablet, Wearables und IoT vorangetrieben.


German Design Award

WINNER - Excellent Communications Design Apps für vitaliberty FiTS

iF Design Award

Siemens Junelight – Smart Battery App

German Brand Award

GOLD - Excellence in Brand Strategy, Management and Creation Brand Creation – App für comdirect Mobox

iF Design Award

Für comdirect Trading app und comdirect Mobox app

Red Dot Award

Für comdirect Trading app

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Florian Dusch


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