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For Agencies

Prices for clients

Matchings bring the right partners together. We personally review all client projects - and forward them to relevant and ambitious agencies. Then it's up to you!

Discover your agency


Start free of charge a project and sit back and relax.
We'll do the rest!

Costs for Clients: 0,- €

How Agenturmatching (& Sortlist) works

You provide us on­line with the most import­ant information about your pro­ject
You get a select­ion of the best agencies based on your own specific require­ments
Compare agencies on detailed criteria and hire the one you prefer


Frequently asked questions and answers

Why did you develop Agenturmatching?

There are two reasons: On the one hand, we have experienced for ourselves how exhausting new business acquisition in agencies can be and how high the pressure for each individual is if you don't want to ignore the essential, a good work for existing customers. On the other hand we did the math: Every year, agencies and clients invest more than 1 billion euros in finding and selecting the right partner. We say: this must be more efficient and more humane!

What kind of client does use Agenturmatching?

Entrepreneurs and employees who can decide by their own which agency they want to work with. These can be marketers of SMEs, press officers, but also employees of the communications department of international brands. Or start-up founders who have just completed a VC financing.

Are you independent?

Agenturmatching is 100% independent. We are not in the service of individual agency networks or corporations. We make our technology available to independent industry associations - and maintain our neutrality.

What does a matching cost?

Our matching is free of charge for clients. Your project budget should include at least 10.000 EUR agency services.

According to which criteria is an agency selected for a shortlist?

Two things are important: relevance and motivation. Agencies that fit your project technically, i.e. based on their information in cases and their profile are relevant for matchings. Your matching expert selects them for you and asks them to participate in the matching, based on the briefing we will prepare in consultation with you. The agencies that are interested and motivated in your project throw their hats in the ring and receive an intro to you. Afterwards it's up to you to get to know the agencies better.

Last but not least: it stays between us!

As we all know people don't talk about money but in our case it's still important. In order to ensure fair pricing we only charge commission on amounts that the agency has actually realized with you. Therefore we ask the agencies once a quarter for a small update. From time to time we also contact you briefly in this regard in order to always be up to date. Of course the amount of the budget remains between us - a promise that we are happy to guarantee you via a confidentiality agreement, because discretion is just as important to us as it is to you.

Start now

Thanks to our partner Sortlist, find your ideal agency using a powerful system:

Full guidance, accurate matching, detailed agency information

Takes 3 minutes. 100% free.

Sophie Schade
Sophie Schade

Contact us

If you have any questions about our matching process, please feel free to contact us at