The future belongs to new thinkers. Inspire people with a unique positioning and communication idea. MISSION: IMPROVING THE WORLD WITH CREATIVITY
We love rethinking entrepreneurs and shapers of a better world where responsibility, togetherness, tolerance and respect are the guiding principles of all. Rethinking is best done in free-moving teams instead of entrenched and overpriced water-head structures: cooperative collaboration with the best experts for the specific tasks ensures relevance, efficiency and speed power.
The owner-managed creative agency for inspiring brand leadership. With a deep understanding of people & brands & markets.
If you want ingenious marketing & branding like Apple, Dove, Intel, Google and Ikea, and if sustainability is a priority
- but has a smaller budget
- is not sure, ób he uses it correctly
- does not know how best to position himself to meet the changing needs of his customers.
For those we have the thinknew solution: An emotional SOG brand positioning. Insight -focus / target groups and competitor analysis. Exceptional impactful visual implementations.
Aligning positioning with the new age and new demands is our core competence. We do this by thinking outside the box, both in the BTB and BTC sectors.
After all, it is crucial who buys the products at the end of the line and why. Here, more and more brands are aligning themselves with the new conditions.
Due to the new influences on society as a whole, companies are exposed to completely new questions.
How sustainable is production? In what emotional framework are products and services offered?
These are all crucial questions, which we would like to answer together with you in the realignment of your brand. Competitor analyses on the motive level of the limbic system (limbic map) provide the competitive edge and a clean basis.
We ensure all this and much more for our clients.
With an excellent branding and design expertise, which has already been awarded several times nationally and internationally.
Most furniture advertising is still quite conventional and functional in its imagery, at least as far as manufacturer advertising is concerned. This is advertising that is predominantly intended to reach the main target group of women, but fundamentally misses the mark. Thus, it is still felt that the products are too matter-of-fact, even in the consumer sector, and here too, there is still too little humanity: real brand ideas or a diversity claim are an exception, but not the rule. Time to chill. A slogan supported by the question: "Who are you when you're relaxed?" enters into a female dialog with its audience. People-centered, at eye level. Communication that opens. The visual storytelling expresses the diversity of relaxation, which ranges from cuddling with the dog or children, to yoga poses, to a conscious diversity claim.
Munich Airport offers first-class advertising space even at low prices. This message is to attract every large and small business through customized communication. In addition, the premium aspect is also to be emphasized in the process.
Conception of an umbrella brand claim and branding that synergistically unites all business areas.
Range of services: workshops, focus group survey, strategy and branding.
A target group balancing act that requires a lot of insider knowledge and sensitivity to create an emotional bridge between the conservative and the new generation of hunters, as well as the increasing number of hunting women, and also to inspire the extended target group circle in the lifestyle sector relevantly under one message.
Translated with (free version)
Wanted: Emotional staging of the BMW brand at airports
thinknewgroup convinces in pitch for the very last chance for Kneipp mineral water challenge:
- after flop launch at retailers & customers
- Extremely low advertising budget
- Outsourcing process had already begun
thinknew-Research: Found best chances in glass bottle eco-friendly distribution system and feminized design & brand world. Licensee FB could not change distribution for the time being and also could not change to glass bottle
The lingerie classic HANRO celebrates its anniversary: reason to celebrate the evolution of the brand especially. How can Hanro emphasize its understatement and premium positioning and create more desirability?
We are looking for a unique brand identity and positioning that emotionally emphasizes the CRM/CAS software core competence in FMCG. From the corporate identity, advertising materials such as flyers to the website.
Brand image and an evolved target group require a relaunch for Orsay. The customer is heterogeneous, an emotional connection is sought that appeals to younger women, between 25-35 years, but also appeals to all women beyond that.
The former science fiction station wants to reposition itself and appeal to a broader audience: Away from science fiction nerds and towards families.
Emotionalize the charm of the Hirmer brand while addressing the nuances of the different target groups and still finding a bracket. Until now, communication was only through fashion images. The old slogan, the largest men's fashion house in the world, was perceived in market research as unappealing and overwhelming.
was to present in a unique appearance at the same time the size and intelligent power of a digital incubator in the form of a service player that offers companies endless possibilities. This is how SAAS paves the way for companies and start-ups to a Microsoft partnership and status upgrades.
Development of a high-impact name and corporate design for a portal where art can be easily rented online, purchased or produced in individual formats.
For Dr. Beckmann - the specialist for laundry and household - we take care of the classic as well as the point of sale appearance. From advertisements, image brochures, TV commercials to POS material. Now, a TV commercial (10 sec) is to communicate in a high-impact and target group-relevant way that you can wash colored and white clothes together with the new color and dirt trap, without discoloration.
We are looking for a high-quality modern design with an emotional human-centered claim. An approach that responds to the changing target group of younger readers without losing touch with the older and more conservative readership. The for a long time strongly male dominated hunt scene gets now more and more female influx, therefore the magazine for women is to be in the future just as attractive, as for the hunting man. In addition, PIRSCH is to be positioned as the leading hunting magazine.
Each pair of jeans has its own individual number and is therefore unique. We are looking for an emotionalization - a storytelling and staging of the number jeans - for the BtB and BtC.
since 2018
Ideen und Konzepte für neue Zielgruppen
from 2006 to 2010
Internationale Markenführung und Leadagentur, Shootings, Workshops, Plakate, Anzeigen, Spotreatments, Lookbooks, Plakate, POS, Kampagnen, Magazin, qualitative Marktforschung, Fokusgruppen, Einzelinterviews etc.
since 2019
Positionierung, Logo und Slogan-Entwicklung, Workshops, Marketing, Markenführung, Website, Programmierung, Corporate Design, Merchandising, etc.
from 2015 to 2015
Diesel Skandal , Krisen Konzepte und Kampagnen Online
since 2019
Relaunch , Neu-Positionierung der Marke Dream Art, Workshops, Corporate Design, Strategie-Entwicklung, Slogan, Namens- und Produktvermarktungskonzeption, Austellungsdesign, Displaygestaltung, Website,
since 2009
Neupositionierung der Linzenzmarke Kneipp Mineralwasser, Kampagne, Produktdesign, Packing, POS, Marktforschung, Fokusgruppen, Einzelinterviews , etc.
from 2013 to 2013
Neupositionierung der Marke, Strategie-, Slogan-& Entwicklung
from 20013 to 2016
Qualitative Marktforschung, Fokusgruppen, Einzelinterviews , POS Befragungen,
Insight-Strategie Entwicklung und Handlungsempfehlungen, Kreative Konzept/ Kampagnenentwicklung
from 2018 to 2018
Workshops, Branding, Logo-Relaunch
from 2016 to 2018
Neupositionierung, Branding, Corporate Design, Creative Direction, Workshops, qualitative Marktforschung, Strategie-Entwicklung, Plakate, Flyer, Broschüren, Kataloge, Anzeigen, Konzepte, POS , Funkspots, etc.
from 2007 to 2008
Neupositionierung, Shootings, Kampagne, Strategie & Slogan- Entwicklung, Workshops, Lookbooks, Anzeigen, Packing, Design
from 2018 to 2018
Retail und Ladenbau Konzeption und Renderings
since 2002
Markenpositionierung, Branding, Corporate Design, Website Merchandising, Logo Slogan und Strategie-Entwicklung von 5 Geschäftsfeldern
from 2008 to 2009
qualitative Marktforschung / Fokusgruppen, Einzelinterviews Neupositionierung, Strategie und Markenentwicklung, Dachmarkenkonzeption, Shootings, Lookbooks, Anzeigen, Plakat und Kino
since 2004
Positionierung, Corporate Design, Workshops, Branding, Strategie und Markenentwicklung,, Logo, Slogan, Keyvisuals, Website
since 2019
Workshop ,qualitative Marktforschung / Einzelinterviews , Strategieentwicklung
from 2007 to 2008
Positionierung, Branding, Marketing, Straegieentwicklung, TV Spots, Anzeigen, Broschüren, POS , Banner etc.
since 2014
Workshops, Corporate Design, Strategieentwicklung, Anzeigen, Flyer, SEO, Markenführung, Social Media, Online Marketing, Events, Ausstellungen
from 2019 to 2021
Workshops, Corporate Design, Strategieentwicklung, Konkurrenz-Analyse, Positionierung, Brandworld, Sloganentwicklung, Shooting , Website
from 2019 to 2021
Workshops, Corporate Design, Strategieentwicklung, Konkurrenz-Analyse, Positionierung, Brandworld, Sloganentwicklung, Shooting , Website
from 2009 to 2011
Workshops, Relaunch, Öffung vom "Nerd-Sender" zum Familiensender, Strategieentwicklung, Positionierung ,Brandworld, Sloganentwicklung, Shooting , Multi-Channel-Campaign, Tv-Spots, Funk-Spots
from 2019 to 2021
Workshops, Corporate Design, Strategieentwicklung, Konkurrenz-Analyse, Positionierung, Brandworld, Sloganentwicklung, Website
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